
We are delighted to announce that River BioMedics closed a successful deal with the University of Twente to spin-off! We are grateful for the collaboration and outstanding support of the University of Twente and especially the Novel-T team.
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We are very excited to participate in the LIP@HEART project granted by Health~Holland to develop a heart-on-chip model using our 3D cardiac platform to facilitate identification of lipoprotein lipase-activating compounds! Result of a great collaboration with the Leiden University Medical Center and University of Twente.
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Our project “Human mini-heart to improve drug discovery and development” was one out of the six projects in the Life Sciences field that received this grant to perform a feasibility study. 
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River BioMedics was selected to pitch on the main stage in the plenary afternoon program of Innovation for Health in Rotterdam.
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As part of the Health~Holland Venture Challenge Marcelo Ribeiro presented our company in a one-minute pitch. 
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Robert Passier wrote a blog for the Dutch foundation “Proefdiervrij” about starting-up a company as a scientist.   
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Each year the LifeSciences@Work accelerator for high potential startups organizes the Venture Challenge, a 10-week business development program that helps start-ups to develop their business case.
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